21 May A place where you never miss the best Hotels
It is not common to find a place where you get all the services available in one place. But at Ibadan, we have the best hotels that offers the best accommodation in the best hotels .The hotel rooms have the best features than you could ever imagine, it well service with air conditioner installed in them to make sure that the atmosphere of the room is perfect. There is a TV set that connects to minimum channels of three and to complement that is the free wireless internet. The room is also fitted with a double bed, a writing desk and a desk chair which is meant for those guests who would want to read or write.
Besides, the presence of a telephone connected to the reception desk will help you in those reading and writing tasks while still in your room and this is not all because right inside your room is a toilet and a shower unit that is very modern and will give you the maximum comfort that you require while in your room. With the help of a restaurant menu, you can order anything that you need to be availed to your room.
For enough security, we have put in place a 24 hour security police and an overnight vigilance, and also 24 hour power generation is in order. Each morning, we have tea and coffee plus cold drinking water. And for other safety purposes, we have an express check in and check out. Treatment of water is also available in place for safe drinking water. Other additional facilities include laundry services to clean your cloths and optional food and beverage shops within the vicinity. If you have some scheduled meetings, then conference rooms for twenty at a cost.
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